Architectural Design
No two adjacent house facades, nor facades directly across the street from one another, are permitted to be substantially the same, unless otherwise approved by LCHL.
- The front facade, in particular, must achieve balance amongst the window, door and garage openings, as well as other facade details; not leaving large areas of blank wall space on the front of the home.
- Homes on corner lots require similar decorative architectural details and treatments on the flank side of the home, as found on the front of the home.
- There shall be a maximum of seven (7) exterior steps, in each straight run, from entryway to garage level.
- Where columns are used, they must complement the homes architecture and must not have a dimension less than 200mm (8”). If columns are wooden, they must be stained and painted.
- The roof pitch must be minimum 8/12 side to side for New Traditional Style homes unless otherwise approved by LCHL.
- Garage door must match the architectural style of the house and requires glazing or transom window.
- The main entryways are encouraged to be covered.
- Roof orientation is encouraged to be designed for optimal sun exposure in order to provide the opportunity for solar panel addition.
- Sheltered outdoor space is encouraged.